Learn more from our FAQ

Welcome to the FAQ section. Answers to frequently asked questions concerning Legal Carbinet can be found here. This section is intended to give you all the details you need to decide if Legal Carbinet is the best option for your organization, from pricing and features to security and demos.

Please get in touch with us if you have any further inquiries. We’re here to assist you in streamlining business operations and increasing productivity.

Legal Cabinet is a web-based management system for law firms, designed to help small and medium-sized firms streamline their operations and improve efficiency. Legal Cabinet offers a range of features to help law firms manage their lawyer -client and client – case relationship . Some of the key features include case management, document management, client management, billing and invoicing, and financial reporting.


Yes, Legal Cabinet is designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation. We offer comprehensive training and support to ensure that our users can get up and
running quickly and easily.

Yes, Legal Cabinet is a web-based system, which means you can access it from any device with an internet connection. This includes desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Security is a top priority at Legal Cabinet. We use industry-standard security measures to ensure that all data is protected and secure.

Legal Carbinet offers a variety of pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions. Prices vary based on the number of users and features included in your plan. Please visit our pricing page for more information and to see which plan is best for your firm.

Yes, we offer a free, no-obligation demo of Legal Carbinet. You can contact Us to schedule for a demo on our website and see firsthand how our system can help streamline your firm’s processes and improve efficiency.

Yes, security is a top priority for us at Legal Carbinet. We use industry-standard security protocols to ensure that all data is kept secure and confidential. Our system also includes multiple layers of security, including encrypted data transmission and user authentication, to ensure that only authorized users have access to your firm’s information.